Designed for the Distributor in Mind

"I wanted to build a different type of network marketing company. One with a different Philosophy for the distributor, one where the distributor makes money for a change. If the distributor makes money they'll stay."
Donald Held founder

Ancient Wisdom Essential Oils is becoming the most complete health package on the market today. Ancient Wisdom’s founder Donald Held is not new to the health field. In 1938 he started lifting weights before it was popular in a friend’s back yard with homemade weights. Since then he has been a health enthusiast. After serving 3 ½ years in the service during WWII, he went to college and received his degree from University of California at Davis in Zoology and Chemistry. He then embarked in service to his church working with Latinos in Texas and New Mexico.

Shortly after that, he entered into network industry in a company called Nutrilite, fore runner to Amway, This was in 1954.

What you put into the body, good or bad. You are what you eat today, Walks and Talks tomorrow.

Exercise: If you don’t use them, you lose them, no pain no gain.

You are what you think you are. As a man or woman thinks so is he. If you think positive you will attract positive. If you think negative, you will attract negative.

If you don’t spend a little time everyday on your health, someday you will spend a lot of time on your sickness.

After being in and out of the networking industry for 49 years, I have come to believe it is really the “Money Leaving Me” industry. Most companies talk a good game on how much money one can make. People come in, thinking they will make a lot of money. 90 plus distributors never make even enough to pay for the products they have to buy. They stay awhile and are gone. There is an old saying “Recruit, Recruit, Recruit, when you tired of Recruiting, bring somebody into the business.” Thus you are building on sand.

At Ancient Wisdom, we have a different Philosophy. To be successful, you find a great human need. Find the best answer to that need. Then take the answer to that need in a quality and quantity of services. The more quality and quantity of services you render the more success you will have. “You reap what you sow.” But you cannot reap till you sow.

Total good health is a great human need. Ancient Wisdom is in the process of finding those products and incorporating them into a total health package to fill that great human need. Now amerce yourself in taking this answer to the need in a quality and quantity of services and you can find success you want.

Why Ancient Wisdom is probably the most unique company in the M.L.M.(money leaving me) industry for several reasons.

We believe that the downline you build is yours. You built it; it is yours, not Ancient Wisdom’s. Check other companies and you will find that this is different.

The founder of Ancient Wisdom is taking no profit from the company, but is signed up as an independent contractor the same as you. So the comp plan will only be increased as time passes.

Ancient Wisdom’s comp plan is designed for the small part time distributor in mind. They are the foundation of the distribution of the products. Most people who get into network marketing spend more than they make.

You are not restricted from buying and selling other companies’ products.

There are no leg or group volume requirements.

To do this, the products have to be the best possible, at the most competitive price. Just buy and Compare.

We believe the part time people are the foundation of any networking company. Because of this we have designed the pay plan for the part timer to make enough each month to pay for their products. If they do they will never stop buying products. You are now building on a solid foundation not a foundation made of sand.
"We believe the part time people are the foundation of any networking company. Because of this we have designed the pay plan for the part timer to make enough each month to pay for their products. If they do they will never stop buying products. You are now building on a solid foundation not a foundation made of sand."
Donald Held founder
    © Copyright 2025, Ancient Wisdom Essential Oils